Publications et Recherche

Parallèlement à sa carrière de concertiste, Emilie s’est bâtie une solide réputation de pianiste-conférencière et de pédagogue, donnant des présentations illustrées au piano sur les rapports entre la musique, la littérature et la peinture dans des conférences littéraires et musicologiques internationales ainsi que pour l’Alliance Française. Poursuivant sa passion pour les arts en général, elle a obtenu un Mastère en littérature britannique sur Shakespeare et un Doctorat international en cotutelle sur la musicalité dans la littérature Moderniste pour lequel elle a reçu la mention « Très Honorable avec les Félicitations du Jury à l’Unanimité ». Elle a publié un livre sur Virginia Woolf et la musique chez Bloomsbury Heritage, et elle a aussi écrit de nombreux articles sur la musique impressionniste, sur le modernisme, sur la musicalisation de la fiction, et sur les pratiques d’interprétation multimedia, ainsi que sur le rôle de la musique dans le traitement de la maladie d’Alzheimer.   

Cover of the book onWord, Sound and Music in Radio Drama.

Transmedial Perspectives on Music and Sound in Early Radio Plays in France in the 1930s: The Tangible Legacy of Le Douzième coup de minuit'

Capulet, Emilie; 2023; ‘Transmedial Perspectives on Music and Sound in Early Radio Plays in France in the 1930s: The Tangible Legacy of Le Douzième coup de

minuit’. In Word, Sound and Music in Radio Drama, ‘Word and Music Studies’, edited by Jarmila Mildorf, and Pim Verhulst. Leiden: Brill.


'Watch for the laughs! The music of graphic scores'

Capulet, Emilie; 2021; 'Watch for the laughs! The music of graphic scores' in Whitaker, Julia & Tonkin Alison. Play for Health Across the Lifespan - Stories from the Seven Ages of Play. Routledge: London.

'Perspectives on Authenticity in the Representation of Classical Music in Contemporary Fiction'
Capulet, Emilie; 2019; Perspectives on Authenticity in the Representation of Classical Music in Contemporary Fiction; Representing 'Classical Music' in the Twenty-First Century
AHRC Research Network.
Creating A Rubato Layer Cake: performing and producing overdubs with expressive timing on a classical recording for ‘solo’ piano’
Capulet, Emilie; Zagorski-Thomas, Simon; 2017; ‘Creating A Rubato Layer Cake: performing and producing overdubs with expressive timing on a classical recording for ‘solo’ piano’; Journal on the Art of Record Production, vol. 11. 
Preface to Vierne’s Marche Triomphale pour le Centenaire de Napoléon I, op.46
Capulet, E. (2017) ‘Vierne’s Marche Triomphale pour le Centenaire de Napoléon I, op.46’, in Preface to Study Score, Repertoire & Opera Explorer, (edited by) Dietz, Peter; Musikproduktion Jürgen Höflich; München
‘The game of chamber music in dementia music therapy’
Capulet, Emilie; 2016; ‘The game of chamber music in dementia music therapy’, in Play in healthcare for adults: using play to promote health and wellbeing across the adult lifespan, (edited by) Alison Tonkin; Routledge, London; 124-134.
 ‘Entropy as a Measure of Musical Contrast’
Laney, Robin; Samuels, Robert; Capulet, Emilie; 2015; ‘Entropy as a Measure of Musical Contrast’; Journal of New Music Research - Special Issue on music similarity; 193-198.
Through the looking-glass: transmediality in musicalized narratives of the Modernist period
Capulet, Emilie; 2013; ‘Through the looking-glass: transmediality in musicalized narratives of the Modernist period’, (in) Transmediality and Transculturality, (edited by) Gernalzick, Nadja & Pisarz-Ramirez, Gabriele; Universitätsverlag C. Winter; Heidelberg. 
Preface to Camille Saint-Saëns' Symphony in A Major
Capulet, E. (2014) ‘Camille Saint-Saëns, Symphony in A Major (c. 1850)’, (in) Preface to Study Score, Repertoire & Opera Explorer, (edited by) Dietz, Peter; Musikproduktion Jürgen Höflich; München; i-v.
Preface to Gabriel Pierné's Viennoise (suite de valses et cortège-blues), Op. 49bis
Capulet, E. (2014) ‘Gabriel Pierné, Viennoise (suite de valses et cortège-blues), Op. 49bis’, (in) Preface to Study Score, Repertoire & Opera Explorer, (edited by) Dietz, Peter; Musikproduktion Jürgen Höflich; München; i-iv
'Street music, Virginia Woolf, and the problem of musical autonomy'
Capulet, Emilie; 2012; ‘Leaving things in a mess: street music, Virginia Woolf, and the problem of musical autonomy’, (in) Autonomy and Commitment in Twentieth-Century British Arts. (edited by) Ganteau, Jean-Michel & Reynier, Christine ; Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée ; Montpellier: 101-110.
Virginia Woolf – a Musical Life
Capulet, Emilie; 2009; Virginia Woolf – a Musical Life; Bloomsbury Heritage Series, Cecil Woolf Publishing: London
‘Voicing the Music in Literature: “Musicality” as a Travelling Concept’
Capulet, Emilie; 2009; ‘Voicing the Music in Literature: “Musicality” as a Travelling Concept’; European Journal of English Studies, 13.1; Routlege: Abingdon (Oxon); 79-91. 
‘Beyond the Boundaries of Language: Music in Virginia Woolf’s The String Quartet’
Capulet, Emilie; 2008; ‘Beyond the Boundaries of Language: Music in Virginia Woolf’s The String Quartet’, Journal of the Short Story in English; vol. 50; Presses Universitaires d’Anger: Anger (France); 201-215. 
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